Outplacement for expats in Germany and German returneesOutplacement for expatriates in Germany

Expatriates in Germany often do not find it easy to gain a foothold in the labour market. A lack of German language skills is still an obstacle to placement in customer-oriented professions such as sales.

But in many other occupational fields, too, most German employers still assume that German skills are available. This often significantly delays integration into the German labour market, as the language must first be learned.

Outplacement Consulting Düsseldorf

Successful integration of expatriates

Over 50 per cent of our clients do not speak German. Thanks to our outplacement strategy for expatriates, we have always succeeded in integrating these applicants. Thanks to our many years of experience, we know exactly with which employers and in which positions expatriates have the best chances. Our networks with HR managers and decision-makers are very helpful.

Furthermore, we offer expatriates the following services in addition to classic application and outplacement counselling:

  • Address research of companies that are open to applicants without German language skills
  • the acquisition of jobs by telephone or in writing on the hidden market
  • the dispatch of application documents
  • and other services.

Counselling in English

Outplacement for expatriates and international career counselling can of course also be offered in English. English application documents and preparation for English-language job interviews and assessment centres are part of the offer.

Return to the German labour market

Applicants who return to Germany from abroad and are looking for a permanent position here often do not have it as easy as they first think. Employers now question very critically what benefit the stay abroad has brought to the applicant’s professional and personal development. Often the promised career leaps in the own company are not realisable and the applicant is accused of not being up to date with the local processes. It is not uncommon for salary losses to have to be accepted in order to gain a foothold again.

In the field of international outplacement and international career counselling, it is particularly important to emphasise the advantages of the stay abroad for the employer. Furthermore, we attach importance to a strategically prepared approach and search for suitable target companies as well as the presentation and salary negotiation in the job interview.

Spouse Career Counselling / Counselling Programme for Partners

As a complement to Outplacement International Counselling, our Spouse Career Counselling service for accompanying spouses of expatriates or German returnees from abroad has proven its worth. The goal is always the successful continuation of the career for both spouses. Both partners should be enabled by the counselling to pursue a career path that corresponds to their individual life goals and the goals of the partnership or family.

The contents of spouse counselling for the partner are absolutely identical to the contents of the areas of outplacement international and career counselling international, but here the goal is placement and placement on the domestic market. Strengths, successes, values, wishes and goals etc. are also determined here within the framework of an assessment of the current situation. Application documents are prepared according to current standards and the marketing strategy is determined. Positions ranging from international companies to voluntary work are in demand.

A well-prepared self-presentation and training in the customs of job interviews in Germany help you to assert yourself better against other applicants. Tips and tricks for salary negotiations round off the preparation for the job interview. Before starting the counselling, it should be clarified whether the German language skills are already sufficient for the German labour market. Recommendations and contacts for German courses and targeted further training to facilitate access to the labour market are part of the counselling.

In the areas of outplacement international and career counselling international, our MULTILINGUAL TEAM OF EXPERTS supports you nationwide on site or virtually.

Procedure of the outplacement counselling and modules

Before the start of counselling

  • Free information talk on site or virtually
  • Current tips on integrating outplacement into the termination agreement: What should be considered in advance?
  • Sending our offer to employers or self-payers
  • Contact network to specialist lawyers for labour law on the subject of employer references
  • Contact network to tax advisors on severance pay

Separation from the employer

  • Coaching for the emotional processing of the separation from the previous employer
  • Support in the optimisation and preparation of employer references

Profiling and location determination

  • Analysis of strengths and weaknesses, self-perception and perception of others, analysis of hindering patterns and recurring difficult situations at the workplace
  • Further education counselling
  • Use of personality tests to uncover blind spots and recognise one’s own potential and development opportunities
  • Development of unique selling points (USP’s) (What makes you different from others?)

Application documents and self-marketing

  • Development of an individual application strategy with corresponding milestones for achieving the target position in the desired timeframe
  • Informative application documents
  • English application documents
  • Unsolicited and online applications
  • Preparation of a target company list for speculative applications

Multilevel strategy for filling vacancies in the hidden market

  • Establishing contacts to our network of headhunters, personnel consultants, decision-makers
  • Creation of a target company list for unsolicited applications from the company database
  • Social networks: Xing, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Contacts to the BLCI decision-maker network; alumni network
  • Job research and reverse headhunting to identify vacancies in the hidden market

Preparation for job interviews and assessment centres

  • Self-presentation, strengths and weaknesses, difficult questions, unacceptable questions, stress questions, questions for applicants 50+, interview simulation in English.
  • Successes and failures, questions for the employer
  • Simulation of job interviews incl. video training
  • Determination of a realistic salary target
  • Assistance with salary negotiations and variable salary components
  • Evaluation of the interviews
  • Strategies for the 2nd interview
  • Preparation for assessment centres, development centres, management audits and recruitment tests

After the interview

  • Evaluation of the interviews and comparison with personal and professional goals
  • Comparison of contract offers and decision-making
  • Drafting the employment contract
  • What to consider during the probationary period
  • Onboarding – coaching or executive coaching for better integration into the new leadership role (on request after taking up the new position)

Non-binding initial consultation

Discuss your career strategy with us in a personal, free initial meeting. We will analyse your individual needs and show you a realistic time frame for your plan.

You have the choice:

  • on site in our offices
  • virtual

Call us: +49 (0) 179 45 49 214 or book an appointment with us directly online.