DiversityBLCI is signatory of the Diversity Charter since 11/2010

Demographic change, artificial intelligence, digitalisation, new work, Industry 4.0, automation and additional challenges of the globalised world are increasing the demands on companies and employees in many professional fields.

“We can only be successful economically and as a society if we recognise, promote and use the diversity that exists.” (Excerpt from the text of the Diversity Charter)

As BLCI, we value diversity and further develop the diversity potential for employers and employees with our services, thus promoting the sustainable success of companies.

Charta der Vielfalt Logo

Non-binding initial consultation

Discuss your career strategy with us in a personal, free initial meeting. We will analyse your individual needs and show you a realistic time frame for your plan.

You have the choice:

  • on site in our offices
  • virtual

Call us: 0211 / 86286283 or book an appointment with us directly online.