Outplacement for start-upsAre you an entrepreneurial personality?

We accompany start-ups as an increasingly frequent alternative to returning to a permanent job. Many clients see this as an opportunity to realise their values and long-standing life dreams as well as their ideas of work-life balance.

We first check whether you are really an entrepreneurial personality or whether you would rather seek a secure position with a lot of freedom within the framework of a permanent employment.

Junger erfolgreicher Mann

Individual location assessment and customised advice for successful business start-ups

With a thorough assessment of your situation, we help you to get to know your potential, knowledge and values and to develop an individual and, above all, financially viable concept for your self-employment.After we have worked out the milestones of your self-employment and a timetable with you, you can attend weekly counselling appointments to achieve these goals with our help. We also draw on our network of tax advisors, lawyers, photographers, social media and marketing advisors, etc.

The start-up projects we have accompanied so far are extremely diverse: financial consulting, opening shops and hotels, IT consulting, management consulting, property management as well as self-employment as interim manager, franchisee, alternative practitioner, coach and much more.

Outplacement counselling procedure and modules

Before the start of counselling

  • Free information talk on site or virtually
  • Current tips on integrating outplacement into the termination agreement: What should be considered in advance?
  • Sending our offer to employers or self-payers
  • Contact network for lawyers specialising in labour law on the subject of employer’s references
  • Contact network to tax advisors on the subject of severance pay

Separation from the employer

  • Coaching for the emotional processing of the separation from the previous employer
  • Support in the optimisation and preparation of employer references

Profile building and location determination

  • Analysis of strengths and weaknesses, self-perception and perception of others, analysis of hindering patterns and recurring difficult situations at the workplace
  • Further education counselling
  • Use of personality tests to uncover blind spots and recognise one’s own potential and development opportunities.
  • Development of unique selling points (USP’s) (What makes you different from others?)

Self-promotion and marketing

  • Elevator pitch for self-presentation or presentation of services and products
  • Development of an individual go-to-market strategy with corresponding milestones to achieve the goal in the desired timeframe
  • Creation of social media profiles such as Linkedin, Instagram, etc.
  • Support and content preparation for on- and offline advertising
  • Creation of a roadmap for customer approach and acquisition

Non-binding initial consultation

Discuss your career strategy with us in a personal, free initial meeting. We will analyse your individual needs and show you a realistic time frame for your plan.

You have the choice:

  • on site in our offices
  • virtual

Call us: +49 (0) 179 45 49 214 or book an appointment with us directly online.